Friday 3 February 2012

Lost the plot totally yesterday

Molly and I went to Chelmsford yesterday. Lately I am finding going a long way from home very stressful. So got in a bit of a panic, that makes me tired.

We were made very welcome by the staff and Evelyn at the Community Bookshop and Thrift Store in Market Road Chelmsford. Molly was allowed in both shops!! That is so rare and thank you to the staff, one for letting her in, two for making a fuss of her and three for selling my art.

All the staff except for a couple are volunteers and they are doing a great job too. The book shop has loads of excellent books, all sorted by category and or author. Right now they have a sale on History related titles. The charity provides mobility aids and advice to those who find getting around a large shopping centre a challenge.

Now the number of artists selling their work, in the shop, has increased and the shop looks so bright and friendly. You can sit on a sofa, browse the art and books. Then pop into the thrift store which is just around the corner. Right now the artists have a Valentines display.

No time or energy for art so painting a day has got put on hold. Today I have been to visit a lady who had some valuable collectibles for sale. Oh dear they weren't, had to break it to her gently and advise the boot fair. So wasted journey, never mind I got a cup of coffee and had a fuss from her dog, Honey.

I finally got to sort out the sheet music I bought at the boot fair over a year ago. Right at the bottom I found this........................
If you like Billy Fury this is how his song first started, as just music - no words - its a tango. Left hand sheet dated 1926, right hand sheet 1942 and now its got words. Next mannequin here I come. I think this is going to be the theme. Check it out on You Tube, go on you know you want to spend a couple of minutes swooning!!!

Very busy on the 3rd mannequin, nearly finished. Here's a bit of the French Oh lala skirt.

All those dangly bits sewn on by hand, to a piece of braid, then stuck and also used small tacks just to be sure. Don't want my French Mamselle losing her skirt.


  1. Looks Lovely Joan !!! LOVE the Jealousy sheet music !!! ps did they tell you you sold another mounted work yesterday !!!

    1. I Just new you would love the sheet music - Jealous Essex Girl!! No really I have just got to make some more of them. x J

  2. Looks like you are doing well at the bookshop. Its a pity you don't live a bit nearer to Chelmsford as they seem to love all your art work. Keep it coming.....xx

  3. :-) yes I wish I did too we could do more together then! X's J


Your comments are all read and appreciated. Hope you will forgive me if I miss commenting on your comment, I will be busy doing art :-) x Joan