Monday 4 March 2013

Totally Boring Computer Virus

Hi All no posts for a while as I have managed to down load an Internet Browser Hijacker called, this hijacks your browser, google, firefox and explorer. You then get loads of ads and are totally open to downloading other viruses.

Off to my sons on to get the darn thing fixed. Mean while I am on the laptop (ancient one) which I do not have any camera programmes on so no blogs for a while.

Hope you all keep crafting whilst I'm on my unoffical holiday. Look forward to catching up soon.

x Joan


  1. How annoying for you

    Hope you get it fixed and can blog again soon

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Thanks Joan for your comment. Yes i am now back blogging again and feeling much better.
    Hope we an get together some time as it seems such a long time ago since we met. Take care Linda....xx


Your comments are all read and appreciated. Hope you will forgive me if I miss commenting on your comment, I will be busy doing art :-) x Joan