Welcome to my growing experiences. This is the vegetable plot from 2005 the first year of growing. The land had not been worked for about 10 years and its been hard going. But every year I get more of it into good fertile soil, by adding shed loads of well rotted manure and garden waste.
I am plagued by badgers who keep digging up bits, but in the winter they do excellent work turning over the beds that I have covered with compost. So I don't have to dig much. Some time I will find time to sit out and take pictures of the little blighters. they live in the storm drain at the bottom of the garden.
Here are my two dogs Molly on the left, she's a rescue, staffie cross and she's been with me a whole month now. Bud is the senior resident dog, I've had him 10 years, since he was a wee puppy. Sadly he went blind last October, but we have coped well. He is a very obedient dog and has quickly learnt new commands so that he can now go for walks off the lead. He runs over fields when I say OK play as he then knows there are no obstacles. Its been an amazing journey coping with a disabled dog. Throughout I have been so impressed with the way hes just got on with it. Its made me change my attitude to life a lot.